Get In Touch



Online Booking Instructions:

Click button above and this will take you to the online booking portal which will show you all of my availability. Please be sure to complete ALL the steps when booking. If you do not follow all the steps your appointment will not be confirmed. You should receive a confirmation email from MassageBook if the booking was completed. It will also send you an intake form automatically. Be sure to check your junk folder if you do not receive.

Please note that there is a chance I will have to text you to ask you to move your appointment up or down on the schedule to adjust for excessive gaps between appointments as the online system is not streamlined and I do not have a receptionist.

If you'd like to send me an email with more details regarding the condition of your body and want to know more about how my techniques can help benefit you, please feel free to contact me about questions, or concerns. I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can, but take the time to explore my website and you might find many of your questions answered. IF YOU DO NOT HEAR BACK FROM ME, PLEASE CHECK YOUR JUNK/SPAM FOLDER, or feel free to text me or email me again.


WHere to find me

443 NE Knott Street
Portland, OR